A Family Affair Could Prevent Joe Biden from Getting Out of the Race

The “Live” failure has caused discouragement among Democrats: their toxic leader is totally incompetent

It has been a week since the protégé of the neo-globalist clan, still President of the US Joe Biden, hoarse and stumbling, was taken home by his wife from the TV ring where he was beaten by the revenge-seeking Donald Trump. Panic among the Democrats is not subsiding. The reason is obvious: there is no convincing counter-strategy to reduce reputational damage and, most importantly, no positive and effective strategy for winning on November 5.

Democrat Claire Conner McCaskill, a former senator from Missouri, sadly stated on MSNBC that Joe Biden «had one task — to convince America that at his age, he could handle this job. And today he failed».

An even harsher verdict comes from Jenny Holland, a columnist for the British magazine Spiked, which claims to be objective or at least non-conformist:

“We did not see a debate of equals. It was the beginning of a national security crisis and a constitutional crisis, unlike anything I’ve seen in my lifetime. The President of the United States — the most powerful leader in the world — was incoherent».

According to a report published on the media portal Axios, Democrats in «swing» states have begun avoiding direct contact with Joe Biden. One congressman, naturally wishing to remain unnamed, admitted:

«I don’t want to see him here… All the donors — and I’m only talking about major donors — are furious and want him to step aside».

Responding to the desertion of his former allies, who no longer want to be seen next to a toxic leader, journalist Holland notes the presence of renegades in the ruling party:

«Like rats from a sinking ship, Democrats have abandoned their beloved leader and fled, trying to pretend that his dismal performance was something unforeseen».

The live shame, on the contrary, united the so-called «inner circle». Last weekend, the Biden family (hereinafter referred to as the Family) decided to continue pushing their patriarch forward for a new term. His son, Hunter Biden, convicted in a criminal case and awaiting another hearing on another charge, especially insisted on this. And this is not surprising, as the «first son» expects the president-dad to pardon him and save him from prison.

According to Breitbart, citing insider information, the Family urged, or rather decreed, that old Joe must «stay in the race and keep fighting». There was no catastrophe, they said; the political strategists are to blame, specifically former White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain, as well as Senior Advisor Anita Dunn and her husband, the president’s personal lawyer, Bob Bauer, who portrayed Trump during the debate rehearsals.

It was this trio of coaches who, over the course of a week at the Camp David residence, conducted «intensive training and rehearsals», inserting their thoughts and prepared remarks into the memory of the debate duelist. According to the collective wisdom of the Family, they chose the wrong tactics and unconvincing rhetoric, thus condemning Biden to a crushing defeat. Therefore, they will now be subjected to public humiliation and ostracism.

Among those who intend to continue pushing the senile «grandpa on batteries» for another run in the election marathon are not only the «family» (does it remind you of anything?), but also Democratic Party grandees like former presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. In his post on the X website, the most playboyish president in US history already rolled out the well-worn theses of the traditional apology for «Sleepy Joe»:

«Joe Biden has given us three years of steady leadership, he stood firm after the pandemic, created a record number of new jobs, made real progress in addressing the climate crisis, and took successful measures to reduce inflation, thereby pulling us out of the mire left by Donald Trump. That’s what’s really at stake in the November elections».

«Failed debates happen. Trust me, I know», Barack Obama commented on Biden’s epic failure in the verbal TV duel. As he explained to the ignoramuses, on November 5, they will have to choose

«between someone who tells the truth, who knows what is right and what is wrong, and will speak directly to the American people, and someone who lies through his teeth for personal gain».

Rob Flaherty, the second person in Biden’s campaign headquarters, used a more scathing term, branding those who quickly turned away from his boss or even suggested he drop out as the «bedwetting brigade».

The Biden family and his loyal aides preferred to ignore the results of recent polls, which show that over 70% of ordinary citizens, following the disastrous TV debates, believe that the 81-year-old politician with numerous signs of dementia should retire.

However, the saying «the voice of the people is the voice of God» is clearly not held in high regard by the Obama-Clinton-Biden clan. It is understandable, since the return of the unpredictable and vengeful Trump to the White House will inevitably result in purges of Washington’s corridors of power from neoliberals, even if moderate in scale.

What can the deep state do in a situation of zugzwang and time trouble? Democratic party leaders have no choice but to grit their teeth and go along with the Family’s stubbornness, continuing to bet on «Sleepy Joe». The most important factor in favor of such a forced decision is that alternative candidates (Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer, or Michelle Obama), according to polls, are guaranteed to lose to Trump.

In the Democratic camp, however, there are occasional voices in favor of replacing the blundering grandpa with the young and energetic governor of California, Gavin Newsom. But in the ZeroHedge internet blog, one can read that the governor forced everyone to hunker down in their homes during the peak of the COVID pandemic while he partied at elite gatherings. ZeroHedge authors claim that

«his only talent appears to be the ability to distort statistics to fit his false narratives. He regularly portrayed California’s growing economic distress as success and downplayed the rise in homelessness and rampant crime. His advantage is that he can do this with an absolutely unflappable face».

Such a quality as «unflappability» when manipulating statistics or stating blatant falsehoods is unlikely to charm the majority of voters. For law-abiding and decent Americans, the opinion of his former wife, Kimberly Guilfoyle (incidentally, she is now the fiancée of the former president’s son, Donald Trump Jr.), will matter. Ms. Guilfoyle, who has a rich resume as a TV host, journalist, model, and prosecutor, parted ways with her “ex” due to his numerous infidelities.

The facts are against the unflappable governor. According to a March Rasmussen Reports poll, if Democrats nominate Newsom against Trump, such an experienced fighter as the 45th president of the USA will win with a margin of 17 points (51% to 34%).

It seems that the Democrats’ «plan B» will rely on Vice President Kamala Harris stepping in to replace Joe Biden as the number one in case of force majeure. Van Jones, CNN political commentator and former Obama advisor, admitted the day after the debates that Joe Biden is unlikely to «last another four and a half years». He then predicted a change of guard either under extraordinary circumstances or at the most opportune moment:

«There is a good chance that Joe Biden’s victory ultimately means that Kamala Harris will become president».

Will such a scenario suit the deep state? On one hand, Harris’s absolutization of the right to abortion as the most important element of domestic policy, her cordial relations with gays and transgender people, and generally left-radical views have earned her support among the youth circles. But, on the other hand, the national approval-disapproval ratio for her is 39% to 54%.

Thus, President Kamala Harris will represent the best of the worst options for Democrats. As the ZeroHedge blog authors, who sign their editorial articles with the pseudonym Tyler Durden, rightly predict,

«Biden is just a front, a mouthpiece for a socialist extremist ideology that most Americans today consider dangerous and ugly. Every candidate nominated by Democrats will adhere to the same rhetoric and push the same policies».

For Americans who do not share neoliberal dogmas, a Kamala Harris presidency will essentially be the fourth term of Barack Obama with all the ensuing consequences. And the self-reproduction of this clan, born of the transnational financial oligarchy, will be ensured for another four years.