Trump avoids Kennedy's fate and gains the aura of a martyr



Having survived an assassination attempt, Donald Trump, who revealed on Truth Social that the bullet «grazed the top of his right ear», demonstrated remarkable self-control. A photo of the 78-year-old flamboyant politician with streaks of blood on his right cheek and a raised fist will become a powerful propaganda tool for the Republicans.

This gesture inspired not only the 50,000 supporters who were gathering from early morning for a rally in the town of Butler, Pennsylvania. With his newfound martyr aura, Trump is now successfully consolidating his Trumpist army.

Things could have ended tragically. According to doctors, if the bullet had been just a centimeter to the side, it would have shattered his head. This happened to one of the men, whose head was crushed and brain damaged by one of the terrorist’s five bullets. Two others were hospitalized with severe injuries.

Marjorie Taylor Greene, the colorful congresswoman and member of the ultra-conservative Freedom Caucus, was typically categorical on Real America’s Voice:

«The Democrats, along with the media, want President Trump dead. We must never forget this».

A significant argument supporting this theory is the fact that Democrats in the U.S. Congress attempted to pass a decree to strip Trump of his Secret Service protection, which he is entitled to as a former president. This occurred amidst a campaign to demonize Trump in the press and online.

It’s unsurprising that the shooter was fueled by hatred. The relentless rise of the billionaire parvenu, who had served as head of state and dreams of returning to office in January 2025, stirred in 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks from Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, the desire to make a name for himself as the savior of Joe Biden and the Democrats, to whom he had recently donated $15.

If Crooks hadn’t missed, neoliberals worldwide might have canonized the young man in their prayers. The level of mutual hatred between traditionalists and neoliberals, generally aligned with Republicans and Democrats, respectively, is reaching biblical proportions, as if warriors of light and darkness were clashing, though they are all mixed together on both sides.

A clear indicator of ideological fervor is the hashtag «How do you miss», which emerged on social network X (formerly Twitter) immediately after the assassination attempt, with Obama-Clinton-Biden supporters attaching it to the photo of the wounded Trump.

Thoughtful historians, unlike journalists and armchair strategists, rarely draw parallels with similar upheavals from the past. Nonetheless, many events and phenomena do repeat, albeit with different casts of villains and victims, different motivations, and methods. Yet, significant details often coincide, as if taken from the old trunk of a traveling theater.

Consider these remarkable coincidences:

First: Before the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963, leaflets with the provocative text «Wanted for treason: John F. Kennedy» were circulated in Dallas. Before the assassination attempt on the 47th presidential candidate, his competitor, with declining ratings, declared that Donald Trump posed a threat to national security.

Second: Kennedy’s motorcade route through Dallas streets was planned by the Secret Service, which ensures the safety of top officials. The location of the campaign rally in Butler was also pre-checked by this prestigious agency (Hollywood blockbuster «The Bodyguard» confirms their reputation).

Third: Shooter Crooks took his position on the roof of a hangar. Lee Harvey Oswald also shot from above, from a schoolbook depository. Like Oswald, the 20-year-old ideologically driven Herostratus did not live to be interrogated, as Secret Service snipers fired four bullets at him, not missing their target.

The coincidences end there. An analysis by journalists from the French newspaper «Paris Match» of amateur film footage of Kennedy’s assassination showed that six shots were fired from three different locations, including a parking lot and the second floor of the Dallas Texas Building.

Thus, while Crooks will likely be classified as a lone terrorist, the Kennedy assassination, which targeted the Federal Reserve System’s extraterritoriality and unaccountability, clearly involved a widespread conspiracy. Oswald was shot before he could testify, and around 40 potential witnesses died under mysterious circumstances shortly thereafter. No wonder two-thirds of Americans (70%) do not believe the official version of Kennedy’s assassination.

Renowned political scientist Yuri Baranchik predicted on June 28, after the first debates between Trump and Biden, that America and the world should brace for terrorist acts, given that the smear campaign in the mainstream neoliberal press and judicial-repressive measures had not had the desired effect. Quote:

«MANPADS supplied to Ukraine could surface anywhere in the world. For such a bloody show, they wouldn’t hesitate to sacrifice Vladimir Zelensky. The Kennedy clan won’t lie».

Notable details emerged from Trump’s son’s statement after a phone call with his father. First: Trump Sr. is «in great spirits». Second: «He will never stop fighting to save America, regardless of what the radical left throws at him».

Former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, who unofficially oversee the Biden administration, assured everyone that they were «shocked» by the shots at Trump no less than the current head of state. On social network X, they expressed joy that Trump was not severely injured and condemned violence in politics.

Can we believe in their sincerity? Perhaps, hardly. How can neoliberals or, as Trump Jr. puts it, «radical leftists» stop the 45th president when legal methods have run out, Democratic donors are dwindling, the Hispanic and African American electorate is deserting to the Republicans, and even bullets can’t stop the «charmed» Donald?

It’s hard not to agree with Yuri Baranchik that both America and the world are entering a period of alarming uncertainty:

«Trump’s grazed ear tells the truth. If they’ve resorted to shooting instead of elections in the States, the whole world must be especially vigilant. Victory goes not to the one who shoots first, but to the one who doesn’t miss».

It’s worth noting that on May 15, an assassination attempt was made on Slovak President Robert Fico. On May 19, Iranian President Raisi died in a plane crash. On June 25, a strange car accident in Germany could have killed Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

Recently, in an interview with NV, the head of Ukraine’s Main Intelligence Directorate (GUR), Kirill Budanov, stated there had been unsuccessful assassination attempts on Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The credibility of this planned attack is confirmed by the fact that Putin’s press secretary Dmitry Peskov commented: «All threats from the Kiev regime are evident. Therefore, the security of the head of state is ensured at the proper level». Additionally, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova emphasized on her Telegram channel that the assassination was being planned with U.S. money.

Therefore, the assassination attempt on Donald Trump is symbolic because it raises legitimate suspicions that some sinister forces have opened a «hunting season» on politicians who displease them. In America, they revel in the saying of those who shoot from the hip: «God created men, but Colonel Colt (creator of the eponymous revolver) made them equal».

For the Deep State, when neither presidential candidate suits them, the ideal scenario is the early removal of both Trump and Biden before the elections.

Scenarios for removing both ambitious seniors vary: either a more successful shooter, some virus like the coronavirus with high lethality, or a car accident similar to what happened to Princess Diana in the Alma tunnel in Paris. The «rogue states» would be ceremoniously announced as the sponsors, and the perpetrators would be either Middle Eastern fanatics or mentally unstable «white supremacists» or «Antifa».

In a country experiencing double shock, a state of emergency is declared. In the absence of the queens, the chess game is postponed. Elections are indefinitely postponed until «things settle down». During the timeout, political forces regroup and possibly restructure the entire system. This is the forecast, but in conditions of «alarming uncertainty», it is not definitive.