J.D. Vance – A Clone of Trump. Only More Trumpian

Is it possible to be more Catholic than the Pope? Hardly any devout parishioner of a church in Padua or the cathedral in Reims would agree with this. Can one be more Trump than Trump himself? As practice shows, it is possible. His name is James David Vance.

The main news and highlight of the Republican Party convention in Milwaukee (Wisconsin) was not the nomination of Donald Trump as the next US presidential candidate (he had been the sole candidate for six weeks already), but his choice of the second in command in case of victory on November 5th.

He saw the vice president in the senator from Ohio, a thoroughly conservative former Marine, war correspondent, lawyer, venture entrepreneur who plunged headlong into big politics and gained experience on Capitol Hill — 39-year-old J.D. Vance.

This colorful figure of the Washington elite is also interesting for the evolution of his views.

Firstly, Vance used to be a staunch opponent of Trump. He branded the talkative populist with bad words. Exactly eight years ago, in July 2016, in an article for Atlantic opinion, he even compared Trump to «cultural heroin» for the masses.

Later, in August, in The New York Times, the liberal bastion, in an article «Why Trump’s Anti-War Message Resonates with White America», he declared the White House aspirant as «unfit for our nation’s highest office».

Vance also sent a message that year to his law school roommate, Josh McLaurin, saying that he went «back and forth between thinking Trump is a cynical asshole like Nixon who wouldn’t be that bad (and might even prove useful) or that he’s America’s Hitler».

Then came an unexpected revelation. In 2020, Vance voted for Trump and soon apologized for his verbal indiscretions and deleted the offensive posts from Twitter.

Born in Ohio, Vance knew firsthand how the industrial regions, which had previously ensured the steady growth of the entire national economy in the US, had degraded, turning into backdrops for post-apocalyptic films. It was then that Vance embraced Trump’s idea to «Make America Great Again» through reindustrialization, bringing back production from countries with cheap labor and imported resources, and creating jobs in the real sector.

One of Vance’s merits is that he is the author of an autobiographical book in the style of confessional prose titled «Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis». Among the piquant details of these early memoirs is the image of Vance’s grandmother, who didn’t shy away from using foul language, kept 19 revolvers handy, but was devoutly religious.

Trump detailed on his own social network, Truth Social, why he chose Vance. His resume includes the Marine Corps, a degree with honors from Ohio State University, and a degree from Yale Law School, where he was an editor of the Yale Law Journal. Additionally, as a senator from Ohio, Vance represented and defended the interests of the so-called «Rust Belt», «blue-collar workers», people who used to earning a living through labor rather than making money from money like stockbrokers or bankers.

Trump further reveals the core of his logic in choosing a vice president:

«The book ‘Hillbilly Elegy’, written by J.D., became a bestseller and a film because he defended the hardworking men and women of our country. J.D. had a very successful business career in technology and finance, and now, during the campaign, he will focus on the people he has fought so brilliantly for, American workers and farmers in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, Minnesota, and far beyond…»

Secondly, Vance is appealing not only to those who were and remain part of the working class but also to those who are either wary of or outright reject neoliberal orthodoxy.

Significantly, at the Republican convention in Milwaukee, voices were loudly supporting the party platform, which includes a commitment to ban «taxpayer-funded gender reassignment surgeries».

«In 2023, legislatures in 23 states passed some 75 anti-LGBT propaganda bills. Republicans reaffirmed their commitment to traditional family values and solidified their promise to ‘put an end to the left’s gender madness».

Returning to the evolution of his views and, in this case, beliefs, Vance embraced the teachings of St. Augustine (of Hippo), left the ranks of Protestant evangelicals, and converted to Catholicism. By the way, Vance has a «strong family», as it used to be said. His wife, Usha, who has Indian roots, is a trial lawyer. They met while studying at Yale University. The couple has three children.

Vance’s reaction after the assassination attempt on Trump at a rally in Butler, which could have drastically changed the balance of power and the outcome of the election, was telling. «Today is not just some isolated incident», Vance wrote on social media. And further:

«The central thesis of Biden’s entire campaign is that President Donald Trump is an authoritarian fascist who must be stopped at all costs. This rhetoric directly led to the assassination attempt on President Trump».

What is this if not a direct accusation against Biden and his campaign team of provoking what has become known as «political violence»? Unsurprisingly, according to insider information, Democrats decided to tone down their aggressive propaganda for a while.

Vance’s views on US foreign policy are especially troubling for Democrats. In February, at the annual Munich Security Conference, Senator Vance bluntly stated:

«I think the American (military-strategic) umbrella has led to the atrophy of the European security system».

He added that while the United States has no reason to leave NATO and leave Europe to fend for itself, the priority today is a «pivot towards Asia», implying a confrontation with China. Consequently, Europe will need to take care of its own security from now on.

Such words did not sit well with the vassals, especially since they echoed similar declarations by Donald Trump, who is attributed with a secret intention to fragment NATO into several categories of countries depending on their contribution to the common pot and military potential.

Local globalists and neoliberals were equally shocked and horrified when Vance declared that he does not perceive Vladimir Putin (read: Russia) as an «existential threat to Europe». Announcing that his priority is «America’s interests», Vance urged transatlantic allies not to shy away from what he called «elementary diplomacy», a clear reference to forcing the Kiev junta to negotiate.

As the second mouthpiece of the Democrats, The Washington Post, delicately put it, «he is also well known as a skeptic of American aid to Ukraine». The newspaper did not explore the issue further, let alone quote Vance’s following statement:

«Supplying American weapons to Ukraine does not allow the US to compete with China, and the US policy on Ukraine has long ceased to serve Washington’s interests».

It is not surprising that Vance’s inclusion in the Republican ranks has deeply alarmed Democrats. Amusingly, The Washington Post offered this reassuring argument for its like-minded readers:

«The influence of vice presidential candidates on voter choice is likely an overrated factor».

Meanwhile, an unbeatable argument in favor of J.D. Vance is his age. The 39-year-old politician from the millennial generation looks good paired with the 78-year-old Trump, who also benefits from this tandem, as it makes him seem less like a mothballed old man.

«J.D. Vance will help Trump compete for the youth vote amidst the fatigue with Washington’s gerontocracy», summarizes political analyst Malek Dudakov. Moreover, according to the expert, «Trump’s team is also focusing on attracting the American working class. For the first time, the Republican convention invited the leader of the Teamsters union, which represents 1.2 million blue-collar workers. Trump promises to bring manufacturing back to the US».

To sum up, the image of Vance, a simple guy from a small town in the Rust Belt who achieved everything on his own, a Marine veteran, a lawyer, a businessman, a senator, and finally, a Catholic, can become a magnet for many categories of Americans.

Already, Vance appeals to many. To the hard-working white laborer with calloused hands. To the student with traditional views on his country’s history, family, and gender dichotomy. And also to the law-abiding and God-fearing elderly couple of retirees who believe in Christian commandments.

Conclusion: choosing Vance as a running mate is a powerful move by Trump’s team.