Is Hillary Clinton being groomed for a rematch?

Or for the post of Vice President of the USA?

The article titled «Ready for Round Two: Why We Need Hillary More Than Ever», published in The Hill after the emergency replacement of the «grandpa on batteries» with the «eternal laugher» Kamala Harris, highlighted deep processes within the troubled Democratic camp. Their attempt to calm donors and reconcile the two wings of the party, the traditional missionary globalists and the left-radicals, by nominating a recognizable figure who needs no introduction to the public, succeeded only halfway.

A commentary by Pablo O’Hana, who previously advised senior British officials, including the leader of the Liberal Democrats, caused a loud resonance. His praise for Hillary Clinton, who lost the 2016 presidential election, was a big surprise, especially this passage:

«The Democrats have an experienced, smart, and adaptable candidate — Hillary Clinton. She can run on a platform of stability, recovery, and progress, relying on her experience in public service and proven leadership qualities».

Jason Miller, a senior advisor to Trump, saw the publication as a signal that Hillary Clinton is returning to big politics and will run for nomination at the upcoming Democratic convention in August. Miller responded to this trial balloon from the Clinton clan on the social network X with a remark and three exclamation points:

«Such articles do not appear out of nowhere — Crooked is on the move!!!»

Recall that during the 2016 campaign, Donald Trump labeled his opponent as «Crooked Hillary».

In turn, conservative commentator Alex Sheppard commented on the likelihood that Democrats would nominate Clinton instead of Harris:

«If so, this is great news for Trump. She is the least likable politician of all time».

How likely is it that the bet on Kamala Harris is not final? The situation is confusing, if only because the split among Democrats is marked by many lines, both ideological differences and personal preferences and psychological incompatibilities.

To date, Harris has been endorsed by the former presidential couple Bill and Hillary Clinton, as well as the heir of the author of color revolutions worldwide, Alexander Soros. However, former President Barack Obama has remained conspicuously silent, although he was believed to favor Harris as a former California Attorney General.

Even more symbolically, Nancy Pelosi, former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, considered the «gray cardinal» in the Democratic Party, proposed an open vote for presidential candidates at the August party conference in Chicago.

Agreement on this procedure would mean that ultimately an unexpected favorite could emerge from the deck of cards, one who is not formally Kamala Harris. However, there is a risk of a repeat of the mass riots during the 1968 Democratic National Convention — it took the authorities deploying the National Guard and regular army units to calm the crowd.

The psychological atmosphere within the American Democratic Party is tense. Rumors constantly circulate that the leftists, opposing financial and military aid to Israel due to the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza, are ready to bring tens of thousands of their supporters to the convention in Chicago. The clouds are gathering, and Democratic strategists are engaged in arduous negotiations to find compromise solutions and possibly compromise figures.

Could Hillary Clinton be their choice? In September 2022, she publicly announced that she did not plan to run in the 2024 presidential election, The Hill reported. Clinton then promised to support Joe Biden’s candidacy, believing in his inevitable triumph. But the scene has now drastically changed. «Sleepy Joe» no longer aspires to be the master of the White House and Commander-in-Chief for the next four years, and can calmly continue to recover from his coronavirus infection in a deck chair on a beach in his native Delaware, counting the days until his final retirement.

Is that why public opinion is being shaped to give Hillary Clinton a second chance? For Americans brought up on the absolute idea of competition and single combat, the showdown of Bill Clinton’s wife will be a spectacular show.

The question is: does it have any significance for the future of a nation in a state of cold civil war, and for the rest of the world, which cares about who will actually make decisions on behalf of a nuclear power with a long list of overseas wars and experience in interfering in the affairs of sovereign states?

Tulsi Gabbard, who ran for the 2020 presidential candidate, served in the U.S. House of Representatives from Hawaii’s 2nd district from 2013 to 2021, and thus knows Washington’s political kitchen well from the inside. According to her, Joe Biden never decided anything himself and was merely a «figurehead».

Commenting on «Sleepy Joe’s» exit, Tulsi Gabbard told Fox News that there is an unelected, partially concealed ruling elite in Washington, mostly represented by the military-industrial complex (read — the party of war), and it

«works with its trusted people in the major media, who are engaged in propaganda on an industrial scale. They all just want to stay in power: they don’t care about Biden».

However, Hillary Clinton is hardly just one of many, rather one of the few «chief executive officers» in the U.S. government system. Most likely, she is part of the narrow circle of behind-the-scenes rulers determining the agenda and priorities of domestic and foreign policy in the interests of financial oligarchs, who have become the real masters of life on a planetary scale over the past three decades.

Does this mean that in case of an open vote at the Democratic convention, Clinton will replace Harris and challenge Trump, dreaming of a sweet revenge and retribution for the humiliation of 2016? I think such a maneuver will not happen, if only because the 76-year-old grand dame of American politics does not have the highest popularity ratings, which she owes to her status as a «downed pilot».

But! The most likely scenario seems to be that the experienced former First Lady and former head of American diplomacy is being prepared as a potential running mate for Kamala Harris. In the event of a Democratic victory on November 5, this means that Hillary Clinton will become… the Vice President of the United States, and de facto the real head of state.

How logical is this scenario? The answer will become clear at the Democratic convention, which, according to one witty blogger, might well turn into a «Chicago Chainsaw Massacre».