A Deserter and Friend of Transgenders Could Become the U.S. Vice President



Why was he chosen?

After the final screening of three candidates for the role of a running mate in the race for the White House, Kamala Harris settled on Tim Walz, the governor of Minnesota. The other candidates, Josh Shapiro, governor of Pennsylvania, and Mark Kelly, senator from Arizona, were rejected. Negotiations over the vice presidential nomination were fierce. All factions within the Democratic Party clashed: centrists, progressives, leftists, the Israel lobby, pro-Palestinian activists, advocates of race and gender campaigns, and so on.

What wing is Tim Walz on? The answer depends on whom you ask. In an interview with The Hill, Republican U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson called Walz “far left” and noted that Kamala Harris “makes our job easier” with this choice.

The main point of attack in the Republican verbal assault on Tim Walz will be accusations that the Minnesota governor encouraged rioting, looting, and violence in 2020. That’s when Democrats unleashed the full aggressive potential of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) and “antifa” movements to create the appearance of widespread protest against President Trump’s re-election.

Elise Marie Stefanik, a Republican member of the U.S. House of Representatives from New York, responded to Tim Walz’s election with one sentence: “He supported the BLM rioters who burned Minneapolis to the ground.

Sen. J.D. Vance, a potential vice presidential pick if Trump wins, also recalled those events while speaking at a rally in Philadelphia: “Do you think black business leaders in Minneapolis are grateful — working class business leaders are grateful — that Tim Walz allowed rioters to burn down their businesses?»

Pointing to Tim Walz’s failure to allow the National Guard to intervene and stop the riots in time and Kamala Harris’s campaign to raise funds to bail out the rioters, House Majority Whip Steve Scalise summed it up: “These two are a dangerous duo who will allow crime to destroy our society».

The Republicans have a rich dossier on Mr. Walz, full of compromising material. The list of his questionable actions as governor — from the standpoint of a sane and law-abiding American — amounts to a crime against humanity, committed knowingly and in a particularly cynical manner.

According to The European Conservative, a law passed in Minnesota on February 2, 2023, supported by Walz, repealed the ban on the abortion of viable fetuses, as well as the mandatory requirement that the procedure be performed by a specially trained doctor. The idea of virtually mandatory abortion has become an idée fixe for the neoliberal and left-wing Democrats.

This decision is organically consistent with the “Transgender Refuge Law,” which prohibited local courts or officials from enforcing out-of-state court orders to extradite or deport children (!) who came to Minnesota specifically for gender reassignment surgery. Under Governor Tim Walz, Minnesota has become a well-publicized “trans-refugee” state. This is where gender reassignment surgery and puberty-blocking hormone therapy are performed.

The state has become a major center for the “proliferation” of transgender people. These very people serve as a source of enormous profits for “Big Pharma,” the organized pharmaceutical community-one of the main sponsors and beneficiaries of the campaign to suppress human reproductive functions, destroy the family, and ultimately reduce the planet’s population.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the gray-haired governor with a large bald spot encouraged reporting. A “snitch hotline,” as residents called it, was set up to allow “vigilant” citizens to report church meetings or basketball games. Meanwhile, officials managing the budget for the “Funding the Future” program created to combat the pandemic pocketed $250 million in public funds.

Where there’s theft, there’s robbery, and where there’s robbery, there’s murder. Under Tim Walz, car theft statistics increased by 548% and homicides increased by 71%.

This has been facilitated by the influx of culturally diverse migrants, two-thirds of whom do not work and live on welfare. The compact settlement of Somali immigrants is already being referred to as “Little Mogadishu. A quarter of the American mercenaries who joined the terrorist organization ISIS (outlawed in Russia) were migrants who had previously lived in Minnesota.

The likely future vice president may provoke opposition from the cohesive and like-minded military caste. Walz retired after 24 years of service in the National Guard, but the timing of his departure is notable. As two senior sergeants, Thomas Berends and Paul Herr, revealed in a letter posted on Facebook in 2018, Walz left after learning that their battalion would be deployed to Iraq.

…Tell me who you’d pick as your closest friend/assistant/confidant or vice president, and I’ll tell you who you are. Using this criterion, Andrea Widburg, a columnist for The American Thinker, published an article on August 6 entitled: “By Choosing Tim Walz, Did Kamala Harris Just Lose the Election? Here is how Andrea Widburg sees it:

“In Freudian terms, Walz is the id (primitive, real mind) and Kamala is the ego (what we present to the world). Even as she tries to pave her way to the White House, Kamala can’t resist showing her true ‘self’ by choosing a running mate (for vice president)».

It’s unlikely that Kamala Harris, chosen to replace “Grandpa on Batteries,” was guided by an alternative logic. She may have thought that she’d look white and fluffy against the backdrop of the brutal, radical in his views, slightly more corpulent and, as he’s called, “charming daddy” Walz. And, most importantly, “moderate. This is the image they are now eagerly trying to impose on the unrestrained giggler, who is suddenly showing signs of hebephrenic schizophrenia, such as disjointed thinking, inappropriate emotions, and foolish behavior.

It’s possible that the Harris-Walz tandem will end up being two of the four horsemen of the Democratic apocalypse, heralding collapse.

The Democratic Party is already wondering if its candidate for the White House made a fatal mistake when she chose as her running mate a former high school football coach, a deserter who refused to go to Iraq with his buddies, whose wife enjoyed the smell of burning tires during the BLM riots…