Democrats prescribe America abortion and race-gender reboot

The four-day marathon of the U.S. Democratic Party in Chicago, the city nicknamed «Wild Lily» (from the Native American word «shikaakwa»), resembled a Hollywood awards ceremony, complete with golden Oscar statuettes. The parallel is apt — the prototype for the statuette was the Egyptian god of sin, Sokar.

It came as no surprise that Kamala Harris was officially declared the Democratic Party’s nominee to become the 47th Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Armed Forces, nor that two former presidential couples, Bill and Hillary Clinton and Barack and Michelle Obama, showed varying degrees of support for the heir apparent.

While the Clinton-led clan unequivocally endorsed Harris, both Obamas were cool to the ambitious woman with a lighter skin tone than their own, who, as the British Guardian put it, has a «verbal salad in her mouth».

On the last day, the campaign headquarters slightly lifted the veil on the strategic objectives that the neoliberals intend to stubbornly implement under the rule of their (flawed as it may be) candidate.

Harris’s keynote speech, titled «A New Path Forward», confirmed that the green agenda remains in force, which means that the big energy companies will continue to be squeezed; inflation will be fought by «command-administration methods», i.e., by introducing government price controls (hello, Yegor Gaidar!); and the gates will be wide open to all kinds of illegal immigrants, who will become dependent on handouts from the budget and thus firmly tied to the Democratic Party.

However, new tax targets will have to be found to fill the treasury. The Democrats want to impose a tax of up to 25% on unrealized gains on all investments. The «top ten thousand» and the upper crust of the middle class will be hit the hardest. The tax collectors will be unleashed on them. What’s the price tag? According to political analyst Malek Dudakov, «This will lead to a massive sell-off of American financial assets and an exodus of wealthy people from the US».

One of the long-term goals, not publicly announced, will remain the creation of systemic privileges for black citizens and representatives of non-traditional sexual orientations (in line with the new dogma of 72 genders). The absolute priority will be the right to abortion, the promotion of programs of puberty suppression and gender reassignment, which fits perfectly into the global project of reducing the planet’s population.

It’s no coincidence that Tim Walz, the Minnesota governor who ordered tampons placed in boys’ school bathrooms, earning him the nickname «Tampon Tim» and the hatred of Americans with traditional values, was chosen second on the ticket.

On the foreign policy track, the Democrat-neoglobalists will continue to pursue an aggressive imperial strategy to weaken competitors, especially those offering an alternative model of civilizational development, such as China and Russia; to maintain the hegemony of the U.S. dollar in global finance; and to turn allies in the so-called collective West into their mercenaries to fight rearguard battles on the European and Asia-Pacific theaters of war.

From the convention podium, Kamala Harris pledged to pursue the goal of ensuring that «the U.S. has the strongest and most lethal military force in the world». This reaffirms the commitment to use force to resolve any conflict where so-called «vital interests» are at stake.

But here’s the problem. In the current stage of development (or disintegration) of the neocolonial empire and the «American World» (Pax Americana), the Democrats are divided over what exactly should be understood as «vital interests». Should they, for example, continue to fund and arm the former overseer of the Middle East’s natural resource Eldorado, or should they, in light of the significant energy self-sufficiency achieved thanks to shale oil, cut back on this increasingly costly geopolitical project?

On the streets of Chicago during the convention, left-wing activists raged, condemning Israel’s military operation in Gaza as «genocide» and Kamala Harris as an accomplice to terrorists. Even Tim Walz’s behind-the-scenes negotiations with Alexander Soros, son of financial arch-fraud George Soros, who funds pro-Palestinian demonstrations as a form of pressure on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his cabinet to replace them with a Washington-controlled government, did not help.

Nevertheless, one should not read too much into the disagreements among the militant missionaries, as American Democrats have always been, over the priorities and methods of defending U.S. leadership in forcing other states to accept a «rules-based world order» (RBO), provided that these rules are written by the global financial oligarchy.

The Chicago convention, marked by the chanting of like-minded people and the downplaying of differences, also featured a number of awkward moments. The neoliberal establishment has always relied on Hollywood celebrities to add glamour to its gatherings. They invited as many as 200 artists with household names. But here’s the rub: cult singers Taylor Swift and Beyoncé promised to grace the show, but then ignored it.

Meanwhile, opponents from the Republican camp created a special website where they laid out a full range of both substantive criticism and offensive ridicule. The key passage: «Kamala Harris opened the southern border to illegal alien criminals and deadly fentanyl, and as Vice President cast the deciding vote for far-left spending bills that raised taxes and costs for families across the country».

The Democratic Party platform was reduced by the site’s authors to nine points, including: «Releasing murderers (from prison)», «Raising taxes so that the middle class pays its ‘fair share’», «Abolishing (state) borders as such», «Overcoming the ‘misconception’ that more police means more security», «Providing welfare and health care to illegal aliens», and so on.

Can the Chicago convention be seen as a rehearsal for a November 5 electoral triumph? Hardly. And it’s not just because of one embarrassing detail: during the speech of Nancy Pelosi, the de facto gray cardinal of the Democratic Party who ousted Joe Biden, a piece of toilet paper fell out of her pocket. Sleepy Joe himself admitted from the podium during his tearful farewell to retirement: «I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my career».

In a 27-minute speech, Bill Clinton, nicknamed «The Big Dog» and clearly alluding to the fact that his first lady, Hillary Clinton, lost the 2016 election despite polls that gave her an uncontested victory, warned: «Never underestimate your opponent». Two and a half months before the final campaign, «The Big Dog’s» warning is valuable, but isn’t it too late?