Robert Kennedy Jr, a hereditary Democrat, becomes an ally of Trump

And for thoughtful American voters, this is a significant event.

This was an event that Democratic strategists feared with bated breath. Robert Kennedy Jr., an independent candidate for the U.S. presidency, dropped out of the race and joined the Republican ticket. His electoral base averages less than ten percent, but it is a fairly homogeneous group of visionaries who vote with their minds rather than their eyes, making them receptive to his call to support Donald Trump.

Robert Kennedy Jr. (abbreviated RFK Jr.) is a prominent figure, in part because he is the nephew of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States, who was assassinated by a hired killer in Dallas in November 1963. He also shares the same name as his father, U.S. Attorney General from 1961 to 1964, who was also assassinated when he boldly decided to run for the White House in the 1968 election.

Understanding the need to explain himself to loyal voters, including high school students who scrimped on their lunch money and retirees who shared their social benefits, RFK Jr. listed the reasons for his departure from the Democrats.

The main reason, he said, was «the transformation» of the party. RFK Jr. stated that the Democratic Party has «dramatically departed from the core values with which I grew up. It has become the party of war, censorship, corruption, Big Pharma, Big Agriculture and Big Money, and it has abandoned the principles of democracy by hiding (from the public) the cognitive decline of the current president».

RFK Jr. is particularly disillusioned with the presidential candidate, who does not answer journalists’ questions, reads from a teleprompter at rallies, and responds to the convention, which he calls «a Chicago circus», with vague phrases and a half-smile. The politician asks a reasonable question: «How can people vote if they don’t know who they’re voting for?»

The contrast with the Republican convention is stark. There, the senile «grandfather on batteries» was mentioned only twice in four days. Meanwhile, the Democrats mentioned Donald Trump 147 times on the first day of their convention alone. By focusing their hatred on the non-establishment upstart, they filled the air with invective, leaving no room for serious conversation with thoughtful voters.

The fundamental differences between John Kennedy’s nephew and the neo-globalists in the Democratic Party concern the direct involvement of the United States in NATO’s war against Russia on the Ukrainian front. In his «explanatory note», Robert Kennedy Jr. reveals the essence of the situation: «Ukraine is a proxy in a geopolitical struggle initiated by the ambitions of American neoconservatives and serving American global hegemony».

He goes on to say, «The war is a predictable Russian response to the reckless neocon project of expanding NATO to encircle Russia».

Another major threat, according to the politician, is the unilateral withdrawal of the United States from key arms control agreements with Russia and the deployment of American first-strike systems in Poland and Romania.

RFK Jr. is also well aware of the starting point of the armed conflict: «The war began in 2014 when American agencies (read: CIA, NSA, State Department, etc.) overthrew the democratically elected government of Ukraine and installed a pro-Western government, which then launched a deadly civil war against ethnic Russians in Ukraine».

When a chance to stop the bloodshed appeared in 2022, it was U.S. President Joe Biden, according to RFK Jr, who delegated British Prime Minister Boris Johnson to Kyiv to derail the peace agreement. This was not a short-sighted tactic, but a long-term neocon strategy. At the time, the U.S. government, through Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, bluntly admitted that the goal of the war against Russia was «regime change» or at least «the decimation of the Russian army».

For the disillusioned Democrat, it is obvious that «the sabotage (more precisely, the bombing) of the Nord Stream pipeline and the sanctions have destroyed Europe’s industrial base. As a result, «deindustrialized Germany has simply become a U.S. military base». Well-versed in the history of the «Cuban Missile Crisis» during his uncle’s presidency, Robert Kennedy Jr. believes that the world is now «closer to a nuclear exchange than at any time since 1962, and the neocons and the White House don’t seem to care».

The action plan he advocates and promotes in all his speeches (he has given up to 10 interviews a day) is based on several key pillars. These include fighting the epidemic of chronic disease plaguing American society and overcoming the crisis in the health care system, which has been taken over by Big Pharma.

Next, it includes protecting the constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens, including freedom of speech, purging the state apparatus of the dominance of agents of big business, stopping the persecution of Americans by the FBI and CIA, and ending the war in Ukraine as soon as possible while countering the influence of the neocons and their policy of «endless military adventurism».

It is not surprising that the Deep State, which serves the neoliberals and neo-globalists, views Robert Kennedy Jr. as a dangerous heretic and dissenter. But while he was running his own presidential campaign, with no chance of intervening in the contest between two heavyweights, he was merely branded and perceived as a second-tier marginal.

However, after the politician with such a prominent surname joined the Trump camp, a full-scale propaganda campaign to smear the defector can be expected. He will also face challenges within the Republican team. Back in May, Trump called Kennedy «the dumbest member of the Kennedy clan». adding that he was a «radical left-wing lunatic». Now, however, Trump has announced that he will create a commission to investigate the circumstances of John Kennedy’s assassination and the attempt on his own life.

Robert Kennedy Jr.’s switch from being a loyal Democrat by lineage to joining the ranks of Donald Trump could determine the outcome of the election in swing states — some Democratic voters may defect to the Republicans.

And what comes next? They could treat him like they did General Alexander Lebed — use him fully to win the election and then push him aside with palace intrigues.

For the time being, this event can be equated to a turning point in the re-enactment of the Battle of Waterloo. It’s as if Marshal Emmanuel de Grouchy’s corps of 35,000 soldiers hadn’t gotten lost, but instead had reappeared behind the Duke of Wellington’s troops at a critical moment, turning the outcome of the fateful battle in Napoleon’s favor.

However, there is no guarantee that it is in Russia’s interest for Trump-Napoleon to become the 47th president of the United States.