Will Elon Musk enter politics?



He is disillusioned with the Democratic Party, but the Deep State is not yet ready to take on the defector.

It is hard to find a more colorful and influential figure in the American business elite than Elon Musk. Known for his inventive spirit and business acumen, the 53-year-old billionaire’s many roles and accomplishments are unparalleled.

Musk expressed his support for Trump at a rally in the town of Butler, Pennsylvania, where an earlier attempt to physically eliminate his extraordinary fellow billionaire club member had failed. Some 60,000 staunchly pro-Trump Republicans listened to Musk.

Shortly thereafter, a chilling prediction by Musk went viral on social media: if Trump doesn’t win, these will be the last elections in America because the Democrats under Harris would abolish democracy.

Who is Elon Musk? In short, he is the founding father of technologically advanced, innovative companies like Tesla and SpaceX. One of the pioneers in integrating cashless payments, electric vehicles and autonomous taxis into everyday life. He is directly contributing to the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into our lives (sometimes quite literally). A passionate enthusiast with a burning ambition to explore deep space and colonize Mars.

Musk is also the owner of the social network X, formerly known as Twitter. He bought this global communication platform (which had 251 million daily users in Q2 2024) from the transnational «Deep State» (DS).

DS adherents censored news and analysis according to the catechism of neoliberalism, which rejects traditional family values (contradicting the dogma of 72 genders), denies the existence of different civilizational paths, and even opposes the pluralism of opinion once considered a hallmark of Western human rights advocates with moral fervor.

When Musk openly declared his intention to dismantle the existing system of content monitoring and censorship shortly before acquiring Twitter, neoliberals went into hysterics. In contrast, the level-headed conservative Tucker Carlson, then a senior commentator at Fox News, rejoiced: «Elon Musk appears to be our last hope».

No, this reincarnation of Steve Jobs is not positioning himself as a defender of traditional notions of right and wrong. In his mind, leftist and libertarian ideas have often taken root. As a pure technocrat who partially believes in the inherent goodness of AI, he still sees the need to keep it under strict control. Musk also supports the idea of transitioning to a universal basic income and believes that legalizing marijuana is the right thing to do.

As for Musk’s political views, he once had an impeccable reputation as a supporter of the Democrats. In 2008 and 2012, he supported the candidacy of Barack Obama, who would become the first black president of the United States. In 2016, he threw his weight behind the globalist Hillary Clinton, and four years later, he opposed Donald Trump in favor of Joe Biden.

The turning point, as is often the case, was a personal drama. One of his twin sons by his first wife, Janet Wilson, announced in 2022 that he identified as a woman and would henceforth be known as Vivian Jenna. She condemned her father as a capitalist leech and severed all family ties. For the creative and loving entrepreneur (who has been married three times and is raising 12 children), this event acted as a transformative storm, instantly removing his ideological blinders.

After realizing that the American Democrats had crossed over to the «dark side of the Force» and begun to dismantle the foundational pillars of any society — family and government — Elon Musk deserted their camp. On May 18, 2022, disillusioned by the moral decay of the Democratic Party and grieving the effective loss of his son, Elon Musk pledged his allegiance to their opponents:

«I used to vote for Democrats because they were (mostly) the party of kindness. But they have become the party of division and hate, so I can no longer support them and will vote Republican. Now watch their dirty tricks campaign against me unfold».

Since then, Elon Musk has increasingly commented on major political events on his X social media page and in interviews with the press.

The grieving father said on X that a California law prohibiting teachers from disclosing students’ sexual orientation or gender identity should be repealed. Musk also suggested that courts impose life sentences on parents and doctors who perform sex reassignment surgery on minors. He warned that he would block the accounts of «haters» who harass opponents using the «cisgender» label.

Musk backed billionaire David Sacks’ claim that Joe Biden, no longer needed, was the victim of a «government coup». Musk previously expressed support for setting a «maximum age» for U.S. presidential candidates.

Musk began to expose the perniciousness of the «inclusivity epidemic», where people are hired not based on their professional and personal qualities, but in accordance with the neoliberal establishment’s unwritten rule that favors black people, non-men, and transgender people.

Commenting on a photo of the son of George Soros, the financial mogul and mastermind behind the «color revolutions», with Kamala Harris, Musk said: «I just want to thank Alexander Soros for leaving no doubt as to who his next puppet will be». Musk also has no illusions about his father, saying, «He fundamentally hates humanity».

Musk also reacted to the disgraceful performance at the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics, where LGBT supporters (an internationally recognized extremist movement banned in Russia) mocked Christ and his apostles from Leonardo da Vinci’s painting «The Last Supper». On July 26, Musk wrote on X: «This was extremely disrespectful to Christians».

The Democrats have been unable to deal with the renegade Musk. The DS lacks the leverage or powerful tools to destroy his multifaceted business. The reason is simple: 60% of electric vehicle charging stations in the U.S. are controlled by Tesla. As Bobby Allyn, a commentator for National Public Radio (NPR), acknowledged:

«There’s really no choice but to work with Musk on clean energy policy».

SpaceX is also the only company with rockets capable of «delivering astronauts to the International Space Station (ISS)». As a result, «the federal government simply cannot divest itself of Musk’s empire».

«As his empire expands to include (space) rockets, electric vehicles, social networks, and artificial intelligence, Musk is gaining influence in the political sphere», says Polly Thompson, a writer for the news portal Business Insider.

Elon Musk can’t run for the White House because he wasn’t born in the U.S. and only became a citizen in 2002, ten years after moving from South Africa. However, this does not prevent him from holding other elected positions, such as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives or a governor.

Whether the charismatic genius with billions of dollars will seriously engage in politics remains a big question.