Trump is already revered as a savior



Conservative Americans invoke the Republican candidate in their prayers, placing their last hope in him to save the United States from the wicked

The satanic spectacle at the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics prompted columnist Rod Dreher, in the pages of The European Conservative, to call it a «death warrant» for Western civilization. The shock and outrage at the blatant blasphemy was shared by Americans with traditional views of life and humanity.

This group of citizens has begun invoking Donald Trump in their prayers more often than Jesus. From church pulpits, the message has been: «God has anointed a special leader who, like the prophets of old, is ready to defeat the forces of evil and save the land. And that leader is running for president».

A week before Christmas last year, evangelical pastor Paul Terry addressed his congregation at a church in Durham, New Hampshire, and asked God for deliverance. The nation, he said, was being led by «evil men who rule with imperial contempt». «With each passing day», the pastor lamented, «we are sinking deeper into the tyrannical dystopia described by George Orwell».

Ryan Burge, a Baptist minister and political scientist, explains that many sermons emphasize the idea that America, like ancient Israel before it, has broken its special covenant with God and is now suffering the consequences. «The Old Testament prophets they quote speak of collective sin, not individual sin — the nation has fallen into disgrace and needs healing», Burge points out.

«Trump supporters», reports the Democratic mouthpiece The Washington Post with irritation, «attribute America’s downfall to a host of national sins old and new: bans on prayer in public schools, illegal immigration, transgender policies and the alleged rigging of recent elections».

The Washington Post offers no rational arguments to justify this neoliberal restructuring of American values, which has allowed radicals in this caste-based society to tear each other apart. Nor does it explain why transgenderism is the culmination of an artificial reconstruction of the human species.

«Emboldened by the conservative majority on the Supreme Court», writes The Washington Post, the Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty (WILL) and other traditionalist organizations have filed more than 100 lawsuits since 2021 challenging race and gender preferences put in place during the Obama-Clinton-Biden administration. These preferences are essentially legalized privileges for the LGBTQ community (recognized as extremist in Russia) and ethnic minorities, regardless of their qualifications, experience, and merit. The idea of meritocracy has been consigned to the dustbin of history.

In June 2023, the Supreme Court ruled that race-based admissions decisions at Harvard University and the University of North Carolina violated the constitutional guarantee of equality under the law. The ruling addressed so-called «reverse discrimination». In a campaign video for America First Legal, former Trump adviser Stephen Miller explained it this way: when it comes to college admissions and employment, it has become common to «punish Americans for being white, Asian, or male».

In this America First Legal ad, a phone number is provided for those seeking free legal services. For what cases? As Stephen Miller explains in the video, «If you or a loved one has been denied a job, promotion, career advancement, or professional growth because of diversity quotas, equal opportunity mandates, affirmative action, or other racial preferences, we are here to listen».

According to a poll conducted by The Post and Ipsos, a significant portion of Americans oppose privileges based on skin color in hiring, promotions and college admissions.

In May, the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals heard a case against the Nasdaq stock exchange, which lists more than 3,000 companies, including Nvidia, Microsoft and Apple. Executives at the exchange require companies to include at least one «diverse» director on their boards, or explain in filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission why they haven’t done so. In this context, «diverse» refers to individuals who identify as women, underrepresented minorities, or LGBTQ+.

Many disagree with this understanding of «diversity». Scott Shepard, general counsel of the National Center for Public Policy Research, reminds us of the foundation on which the country was built: «The American ideal — the American experiment — is based on treating people as individuals and giving everyone the opportunity to rise to the level of their effort, success, merit, and ability».

In an emotionally charged essay, political scientist Stanislav Stremidlovsky cites the thesis of Harvard researcher Carle Zimmerman, outlined in his book Family and Civilization. After analyzing the deep causes of the decline of the ancient civilizations of Greece and the Roman Empire, the sociologist concluded that their collapse followed the loosening of sexual morality, the rise of androgyny and homosexuality, which led to the breakdown of the family.

Opinions on the unpredictable, eccentric Donald Trump may vary, but in March he made a commitment: if he returned to the White House, he would protect the core values of American society. Quote:

«On day one, I will sign a new executive order cutting off federal funding to any school that teaches critical race theory, transgender insanity, and other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political theories to our children».

Trump claims to be unfamiliar with Project 2025, which was developed by the Heritage Foundation think tank. However, many of his campaign promises are consistent with the program’s key points. As Heritage Foundation President Kevin D. Roberts explains, Project 2025 rests on four pillars:

«Restoring the family as the centerpiece of American life and protecting our children. Dismantling the administrative state and returning self-government to the American people. Defending our nation’s sovereignty, borders, and prosperity from global threats. Securing our God-given individual rights to live freely»

As predicted by the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), in a second term, Trump will «roll back transgender protections in health care and push the U.S. Congress to define gender as male and female, fixed at birth».

It is possible that Trump, without publicly announcing it, could implement Project 2025. Conservative America would applaud him for this, as they are not ready to have a drag queen as their president.