Is the CIA authorized to blow up gas pipelines in Norway?


Aker Solutions

"Paid off" insiders are preparing the world community for a new terrorist sabotage, which will be committed by the "liberal US" and the blame will be placed on "Putin's Russia".

The meeting looked like a big theatrical performance. A German navy ship and a Norwegian coast guard ship were demonstratively scouring the surrounding waters, while a Norwegian military helicopter and a NATO maritime aircraft covered them from the sky. At that time, a group in yellow and gray jumpsuits and white helmets landed on the Troll-A gas production platform in the North Sea. They were NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, and their entourage. They were to "discuss infrastructure protection and gas supplies" to Europe.

The Troll-A gas platform, located about 65 kilometers offshore, extracts gas from Norway's largest gas field in the North Sea. Since the undermining of Russia's Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 pipelines, Norway, with more than 5,000 miles of its pipelines, has provided 30 to 40 percent of Europe's natural gas needs, compared to about 20 percent before Russia's special military operation in Ukraine.

"To protect the vital but vulnerable because of its size, which includes thousands of kilometers of pipelines as well as Internet and power cables, the Norwegian energy infrastructure," and to profit NATO and EU heads, as Stoltenberg told reporters about the purpose of his visit.

However, it is possible that on the platform, away from prying eyes and ears, there was talk about the preparation of a new NATO provocation against Russia, the instigator of which is the United States.

It is Washington, which is sponsoring through the Western media a large-scale propaganda campaign to accuse Moscow of sabotage of the Nord Streams, and of preparing attacks on critical Western infrastructure - pipelines, communication cables and other facilities in the Mediterranean and North Sea.

According to The Wall Street Journal, the total length of gas pipelines in the Mediterranean and Norwegian waters is more than 9,650 kilometers, with more than 1,000 offshore oil and gas installations at sea. "EU countries have organized patrols on land, at sea and in the air to monitor the infrastructure and its condition," the WSJ reported.

NATO has strengthened its maritime presence in the Baltic and North Seas, which contain important pipelines from resource-rich Norway. Germany, Britain and France have deployed their fighter jets, torpedo boats and frigates to patrol the area around oil platforms and underwater oil and gas strings. No fish will pass through, let alone a Russian submarine.

According to Norwegian officers, Russian submarines, ships and planes are "poking around" in the North Sea. "They are in the area. Not ad hoc, they go in and out. They're watching the pipeline," Norwegian Navy spokesman Toril Herland eloquently called it "suspicious activity."

Admiral Giuseppe Cavo Dragone, Italy's chief of defense staff, stated that Rome is monitoring every movement of the Russian fleet and will strengthen measures to protect gas pipelines from North Africa to Europe through the Strait of Sicily out of "fear that Russia will try to attack a key energy infrastructure."

The U.S. "has begun to coordinate its actions with allies to increase surveillance and monitoring of energy infrastructure, including pipelines in the Baltic Sea," said U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan. Sullivan admitted that the U.S. has no specific information about Russian attacks on Western infrastructure. Just(!) "contingency plans are being developed."

Such a panic has gripped all of Europe and its surroundings. America began to prepare Europe for it in advance.

In June 2022, the CIA issued a vague warning to several European countries, including Germany, that two Nord Stream pipelines carrying natural gas from Russia might be the target of upcoming attacks. On the night of September 26, 2022, four explosions, each 500 kilograms of TNT equivalent, hit the gas pipelines on the bottom of the Baltic Sea.

It is not always the case that U.S. intelligence officers tell the global community about "impending attacks." For a long time, the CIA has used all available tools to harm other states through attacks on "enemy infrastructure". And Americans didn't even have to get their hands dirty - they found those who wanted to plunge the world into chaos, ready to act at Washington's bidding terrorists of ISIS and Al Qaeda (both banned in Russia), jihadist fanatics ready to kill "infidels" for $100 a month and a Kalashnikov.

Let us recall: In the early 1980s, the United States experienced discomfort when the Sandinistas overthrew the Somoza dictatorship in Nicaragua and took a course of rapprochement with Cuba and the USSR. On October 11, 1983, a number of oil storage tanks in the port of Corinto were undermined; on October 14, an underwater pipeline in the port of Puerto Sandino was blown up. This was followed by the mining of Nicaraguan maritime waters, which resulted in the detonation of mines on several foreign merchant ships. These attacks were carried out by specially trained U.S. contras, controlled by nearby U.S. Navy ships in the area.

In 1986, the U.S. flooded the world with Saudi oil, bringing the price below $10 a barrel and "killing" the economy of then-Soviet ally Saddam Hussein in Iraq. Washington used a similar strategy against Iran after withdrawing from the nuclear deal in May 2018. The U.S. imposed sanctions, putting pressure on Tehran while threatening sanctions on any country importing its crude oil. For a year, Iran negotiated with European countries to find a mutually acceptable way out. These efforts never bore fruit.

In July 2011, the governments of Syria, Iran and Iraq signed a historic energy agreement for a gas pipeline. The $10 billion pipeline was expected to take three years to build, running from the Iranian port of Assalouyeh near the South Pars gas field in the Gulf to Damascus in Syria through Iraqi territory. The project was hampered by a multilateral, multilayered civil war instigated by the United States that involved international organizations, political-military groups, including terrorist groups, and world powers.

In December 2020, Venezuelan law enforcement authorities detained two Colombian saboteurs recruited by the CIA who were to carry out explosive sabotage at oil refineries in the north of the country during the parliamentary elections. Venezuelan Oil Minister Tarek El Ays said that the attacks at the El Palito refinery in Carabobo state and Cardón in Falcon state in the north of the country could have caused "catastrophic damage." In July 2022, authorities said there was an attack on the pipeline of Venezuela's state oil company PDVSA, which triggered a fire at one of its sections.

And this is only a small fraction of the terrorist attacks planned and carried out. Washington has authorized and then lied about numerous covert operations throughout its history. The U.S. imposes its proprietary version of an "international order based on unilaterally established rules" that does not preclude the commission of crimes against humanity.

Today, natural gas has become the favorite source of "clean energy," and the EU is the world's largest sales market for gas - this is the main reason why Washington wants to break dependence on Russian, Iranian, Syrian and Venezuelan supplies in order to maintain control over the EU through loyal intermediaries. Norway has not only become the largest supplier of natural gas to Europe after Russia cut supplies after the start of the special military operation in Ukraine. The "Land of the Midnight Sun" is now the United States' biggest competitor in supplying hydrocarbons to the Old World. America deals with its competitors only by destroying them.

By undermining the Norwegian pipelines following the example of Nord Stream and accusing "Putin's Russia" of sabotage, Washington kills two birds with one stone: eliminates the only threat to its hegemony today and the biggest competitor to gas exports in Europe.

Western insiders and their employers are already preparing the ground. A blow can be struck at any moment.

Isn't it time to declare the CIA a terrorist organization banned in Russia?