GEOFORЦентр геополитических прогнозов
Last week a North Korean delegation - headed by a very high-ranking official, a member of the Politburo and secretary of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) - visited Russia
Last week, a large Russian interagency delegation headed by the Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation visited Indonesia and Malaysia. The tour ended in China. What was on the agenda?
The meeting of the G20 foreign ministers has exposed a split within the global community
The Trump administration is urgently trying to correct the mistakes of its predecessors, lest it lose its global leadership
How effective are U.S. sanctions against China’s semiconductor industry?
On the situation in the triangle of super-economies and superpowers
The United States is seeking to deploy intermediate-range missile launchers in the region capable of hitting targets on Chinese territory and in the Taiwan Strait. China is categorically opposed to this
Can a trade war halt the Middle Kingdom's development?
South Korea's presidential dispute nearly leads to shooting
China is rapidly developing new types and classes of weapons.
Speculation on this topic has captured the world's media.