Bratislava: will there be a «second Orban»?

A political sensation is brewing in Slovakia, which is highly undesirable for the United States and especially for the European Union. At the end of September, following the results of parliamentary elections, Robert Fiсo, former prime minister and leader of the opposition conservative party «Direction — Social Democracy» (Smer-SD), may well come to power here. He will be 59 years old on September 15.

He is, as the British Guardian wrote, «showering praise on Moscow and modeling himself on Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban». And then this statement: «If he wins, a new troublemaker could emerge in the European Union and NATO. <…> There is a danger that Slovakia’s political course will change and the country will start supporting Russian President Vladimir Putin.»

Whether this is true or not — time will tell. But so far Fiсo’s election statements are indeed interpreted by local and European observers as almost pro-Russian.

On August 29, during a speech in Zvolen celebrating the anniversary of the anti-Hitler Slovak National Uprising, this politician, for example, drew attention to the presence in the UAF of fighters from Azov* (an organization whose activities are banned in Russia).

«How is it possible that there are real fascists in the ranks of the Ukrainian army? Take Azov, which is definitely fascist,» Fiсo said.

He also urged Slovaks not to give in to Russophobic propaganda and condemned Kiev’s ban on the study of Russian literature.

«Slovakia is a small country, a Slavic country. It is in our vital interest to have good relations with all countries, including Russia,» the former prime minister added, recalling the role of the USSR in liberating Slovak land from Nazism.

Important note: Fiсo condemns sanctions against Russia and promises to stop supplying arms to Ukraine.

The Smer-SD leadership is of the unanimous opinion that the current armed conflict is an indirect war of the United States against Russia on Ukrainian soil. Moscow and democracy, they say, are not in question at all. The point is that «Russia is defending its cultural and national identity against all this liberal madness that the West is obsessed with».

Let me remind you that Slovakia is now among the Western countries supplying arms to Ukraine. In April, Bratislava (the first in the European Union!) handed over 13 MiG-29 fighter jets and two Soviet-made Kub air defense missile systems to Kiev.

Now about the political situation. The Slovak think tank Globsec, which monitors the political loyalty of former communist countries and is partly financed by the United States and the European Union, publishes an annual Vulnerability Index. According to the latest data, Slovakia stands out from other countries. Thus, 50% of its citizens believe that the United States poses a security threat. At the same time, only 40% of respondents believe that Russia is primarily responsible for the conflict in Ukraine. By the way, this is the lowest figure in Central and Eastern Europe.

Parliamentary elections in Slovakia will be held on September 30. 24 parties and coalitions are allowed. The National Rada will elect 150 deputies, whose mandate is valid until 2027. All citizens who have reached the age of 18 have the right to vote. The total number of voters exceeds 4 million.

Robert Fiсo’s party, which has managed to consolidate its supporters and is able to get up to 30% of the vote, is expected to win.

The most obvious coalition partner for the Smer-SD, if it does get formed, is the Voice — Social Democracy (Hlas) party, led by another former prime minister, Peter Pellegrini. It split from Smer in the summer of 2020. Another member of a possible alliance of socialists, conservatives and populists is Boris Kollar’s We Are Family (Sme Rodina) party. In case there are not enough votes for a coalition, it is possible to attract the right-radical (nationalist) party Republic (REPUBLIKA), which is supported by up to 10% of voters. But this, as they say, is a last resort.

In other words, apparently, the formation of a government headed by Prime Minister Fico is theoretically and practically possible.

But this option categorically does not suit the collective West, which will do everything to prevent the emergence of a «second Orban». The Anglo-Saxons, for example, can pull off a scam that already happened in Slovakia 25 years ago. At that time, the party headed by then-Prime Minister Vladimir Meciar won the 1998 elections. He was known for not forcing the country to join the EU and NATO. Overseas and in Brussels they decided: «That’s unacceptable!». As a result, Czech President Vaclav Havel, acting on their orders, gathered opposition Slovak politicians and gave the instruction: «Form a government, but only so that this Meciar would not be in it!». Those understood everything and organized an amorphous grand coalition. Naturally, without the participation of the winner.

Something similar could happen now. Czech President Petr Pavel and Prime Minister Petr Fiala, loyal and proven by the West, will come to the forefront. They (with the mediation of Slovak President Zuzana Caputova) will gather in Prague the leaders of the Bratislava democrats and liberals, who are mired in squabbles, in order to force them to form a government and to push out the undesirable Fico.

Let’s see what happens. It won’t be long now.