Orbán is ready to slow down the "NATO war train"


On June 1, «peace marches» against NATO’s initiation of war on the continent and the involvement of European countries in the Ukraine conflict took place across Europe. In Budapest, tens of thousands of demonstrators marched through the city, calling for an end to the militaristic madness. The event culminated in a grand rally on Margaret Island on the Danube, where Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán delivered a powerful speech.

«Europe is preparing for war today. The war train has no brakes, and the driver has gone mad. We have unhooked the Hungarian wagon in time from the train heading towards the self-denial of the people, and we saved Hungarian children from the hands of gender activists. We will also not allow our children and grandchildren to be sent to the Ukrainian conflict zone», he said, adding that “an emergency brake needs to be used».

«Pro-war politicians want to defeat Russia, as they tried in the First and Second World Wars. Moreover, they are ready to confront the entire East and think they will win this war. For them, war is like a drug; its slaves never consider themselves responsible and listen to no one. For such politicians, the population of countries, their fate, and the future of children do not matter. They cannot be persuaded. Therefore, we need not persuade them but defeat them», declared Orbán.

He also specified that to prevent a war that he believes would destroy Europe, it is necessary to vote for peace-loving parties in the European Parliament elections, which will be held from June 6 to 9.

«If the Left wins, war is just a matter of time», said «Mr. Veto». From Orbán’s perspective, the Left includes the liberal wing: from the Greens to the Social Democrats. He doesn’t like them, to put it mildly.

Notably, his opponents reciprocate his feelings. The opposition regularly holds mass rallies, demanding the resignation of the prime minister and his government for various reasons. In February, it was due to President Katalin Novák’s resignation over the pardon of a convict sentenced for a crime of pedophilia. In mid-April, dissatisfaction was linked to the claim that the cabinet head allegedly «considers Hungary his property». Protesters also opposed the oligarchic system that they believe has developed in the country under the ruling party Fidesz — Hungarian Civic Alliance and its partners, the Christian Democrats.

But let us return to the «peace march» rally in the heart of Budapest.

«European leaders are in a war fever. We must stop the war madness! The West is sending colossal amounts of money and weapons to Ukraine, and French President Emmanuel Macron has already started debates about the possibility of using nuclear weapons», said one of the demonstration organizers.

Meanwhile, Orbán continued his speech and confidently predicted that in the European Parliament elections, the parties opposing the war would succeed. They would significantly strengthen their positions.

«In a week, we will receive reinforcements from all over Europe and will be able to form a European Peace Coalition in Brussels. In the fall, the Americans may elect a president representing a peace party, and we will be able to unite in a Western Transatlantic Coalition for Peace», the Hungarian leader said.

Orbán considers former U.S. President Donald Trump his idol and hopes for his return to the White House after the November elections.

Regarding Trump, a reasonable question arises: why does the prime minister perceive him as a «dove of peace»? At a recent campaign event, the American stated that if he were president, he would bomb Russia and China if Russian troops entered Ukraine and Chinese troops entered Taiwan.

«Enfant terrible» (as Orbán is called in Brussels) is undoubtedly right when he speaks about the likely strengthening of the right-wing in the European Parliament following the elections, which defends national interests and Christian values. He rightly expects substantial reinforcements from Slovakia, the Netherlands, France, and Italy, where Eurosceptics are gaining weight. The ambitious Hungarian sees himself as the leader of a new European wave that will extend all the way to the United States.

At the same time, he will have to contend not only with the negative attitude of EU officials towards him but also with the upcoming protests from his opponents at home. It has already been announced that the Hungarian political opposition plans to hold its rally in Budapest on June 8 at Heroes’ Square. The rally is organized by Péter Magyar, who recently became the leader of the party «Respect and Freedom».

However, Orbán is no stranger to withstanding blows and continuing to push his agenda.