«Rivers are great when they merge»



On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China, the foreign ministers of Russia and China published articles reflecting the essence of Russian-Chinese relations: it’s more than an alliance.

Looking back and realistically assessing the current situation, it becomes clear that we are dealing with an unprecedented phenomenon for which it is difficult to find parallels in history. These relations have never been those of a colony and a metropolis, but have gone through many trials to reach the level of strategic partners. As Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov writes, «our friendly and neighborly relations are not an alliance, but they are more effective than military-political alliances that have a logic of confrontation». «Today, Russian-Chinese cooperation has assumed the character of a comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction and has entered a new era. In the assessment of leaders, bilateral relations are at an unprecedentedly high level and are constantly being enriched with new content. We are convinced: Russia needs a prosperous and stable China, and China needs a strong and successful Russia».

«Both sides proceed from the fundamental interests of the two countries and peoples, and, based on a deep summarization of historical experience, contribute to the continuous improvement of Sino-Russian relations, whose key characteristics have become consistent good neighborliness and friendship, comprehensive strategic coordination, and mutually beneficial cooperation», writes Wang Yi, member of the Politburo, head of the Office of the Central Committee for International Affairs of the CPC, and Foreign Minister of the PRC.

Despite the fact that Sino-American relations, for example, have been quite close and remain at a fairly high level today, it is hard to imagine the PRC and the US exchanging such publications. The only congratulatory message from the American side that could be found was posted on the State Department’s website: «The United States of America congratulates the people of the People’s Republic of China on the occasion of their 75th National Day. As the United States works with the international community to address the serious challenges facing the world today, we are committed to responsibly managing our bilateral relationship with the PRC and will maintain open lines of communication. We wish the people of the People’s Republic of China peace, prosperity, and happiness in the coming year».

Sergey Lavrov’s article is entitled «Russia and China: A Partnership and Friendship Tempered by Time», while Wang Yi’s article is entitled «Seventy-Five Years — Through Storms, Moving Forward on a New Journey». Both publications trace the path the countries have taken to reach the current unprecedented level of relations. However, while Lavrov recalls the support of the Chinese people even before the establishment of the People’s Republic of China, writing about the assistance provided by the USSR during the establishment of the New China and the resolution of all border issues in modern times, Wang Yi does not hesitate to mention the difficulties that have arisen between countries, noting that these challenges have only strengthened our relations, having weathered all political storms.

A significant part of the articles is devoted to the development of economic cooperation, especially trade, which is growing rapidly, with 95% of transactions being conducted in rubles. Importantly, the Chinese minister speaks of deepening this cooperation and achieving the goals set by the leaders of both countries by 2030.

Sergey Lavrov also emphasizes mutual support on the most acute political and military issues. In particular, the Russian minister highly values China’s peace initiatives for resolving the conflict in Ukraine and acknowledges the need to address the root causes of the conflict, including «NATO’s long-term eastward expansion contrary to Russia’s fundamental security interests, the West’s creation of an anti-Russian military stronghold in Ukraine, the bloody coup in Kyiv in 2014 supported by Washington and Brussels, and the neo-Nazi regime of V. Zelensky’s policy of eradicating all things Russian, including language, culture, media and the Orthodox Church». The Chinese side is understood to understand the motives behind Moscow’s actions and the threats posed by the West.

In turn, Russia opposes the creation of narrow anti-China blocs in the Asia-Pacific region and interference in China’s internal affairs regarding Taiwan. «Russia’s position on the Taiwan issue in support of China’s territorial integrity remains unchanged», Lavrov writes.

The two Foreign Ministers emphasized not only the continuous deepening of Russian-Chinese relations in all spheres, but also their close cooperation in the international arena. They expressed confidence that this cooperation will continue to expand. «In the new era, China and Russia will cooperate and support each other hand in hand», Wang Yi said. «China and Russia are permanent members of the UN Security Council and major world powers, as well as like-minded partners in promoting world multipolarity and democratization of international relations. With a firm stance on defending the international system with the United Nations at its core and international law as its foundation, and in accordance with the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and the fundamental norms governing international relations, China has taken a clear stand on issues such as opposing hegemony and power politics, countering illegal unilateral sanctions and ‘long-arm jurisdiction’, and opposing interference in the internal affairs of sovereign states. Both sides actively seek opportunities and development for the countries of the Global South, promote the outstanding growth and influence of BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, engage in constructive cooperation within the G20 and APEC, and work together to build a community with a shared future for mankind». Lavrov expressed similar views on international cooperation. Today it is necessary to recognize that these non-aligned relations between the two countries serve as a major stabilizing force in the world, counteracting the slide into chaos and confrontation.

Wang Yi stresses the unwavering course of close cooperation with Russia. «No matter how the international situation changes, the essence of Sino-Russian relations — non-alignment, non-confrontation, and not targeting any third party — will not change, nor will the foundation of mutual respect, equality, and mutually beneficial cooperation». «Rivers are great when they merge», writes Wang Yi metaphorically. «After 75 years of accumulated experience, Sino-Russian relations have gained strong mutual trust, deep heritage, significant context, and great resilience».