Paul Craig Roberts, Chairman of the Institute for Political Economy (USA), a PhD in Economics, and US Undersecretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration, discusses the peculiarities of the political situation in the United States and issues related to the upcoming elections.
The unique destabilizing factor is that the Democrat Party has become an ideological party. Never before have either of the two main parties been ideological. Historically the Democrats represented the working class and Republicans represented business. The two parties would compromise and the system was stable.
Today the Democrat Party is the intellectual party. It has ideological agendas not subject to compromise. It is the party of the Woke progressives and leftwing created by the universities which teach that white people are racists, that the US Constitution is a racist weapon that whites use for control, that advancement based on merit is racist, and so on. In other words, the leaders of the Democrat Party reject the principles on which the system is based. The Democrats no longer represent the working class which they reject as «Trump Deplorables.»
The Democrats' agenda is power and a one-party state. Democrats are a revolutionary force that intends to dilute the white population with open borders, weaponize law in order to achieve Democrat goals, and censor free speech in order to control the explanations. As the law schools no longer support the Constitution, there are judges appointed by Democrats who do not respect the rule of law. Instead, they apply law selectively to further the Democrats' agendas.
One result has been a breakdown in the separation of powers between executive, judicial, and legislative branches.
Another result has been the destruction of electoral integrity. For example, the state of California has just passed a law that makes it a felony for a California election official to require an ID (identification) from those who vote. Last Friday, just a few days before the election, a federal judge ordered the state of Virginia to add non-US citizens to the voter rolls. Clearly the intent is to have the illegals the Democrats permit to enter the country vote in the presidential election. If an ID is not required, anyone can vote. Moreover, a person can vote multiple times. As there is no record of who he is, there is no record that he has already voted.
Democrats in the swing states have legalized the election theft mechanisms that they used in 2020. The ban on drop boxes was overturned by a Democrat state court, thus making it possible for anonymous persons to stuff ballot boxes standing on street corners. Some of the Democrat states have made it illegal to challenge their vote count. Several swing states have announced that it will be days, even weeks, before they will have the vote counted. These and many other similar measures have given the Democrats the ability to determine election outcomes via theft.
For the theft not to look like theft, the election has to be close. To make the election look close, the polls are rigged. One way of rigging the polls is to poll more Democrats than Republicans.
The Democrats are showing too much concern about losing for the polls to be accurate. Local polls indicate that a majority of black and hispanic males are going to vote for Trump.
If the vote is too much in Trump's favor, the theft mechanisms cannot be credibly used. If they are used regardless of credibility, the election would be discredited and lawsuits and protests would occur. However, the executive branch would still be in Democrat hands, just as the Ukrainian government remained in Zelensky's hands after his term expired. The candidate who wins in November is not in office until he is inaugurated in January. The Democrats could declare Republican protests over a stolen election to be an insurrection as they did with the rally in support of President Trump in January 2021.
Seemingly in preparation for such an event, one month prior to the presidential election, the Democrat Department of Defense issued a directive that the US military can come to the aid of civilian authorities in the event of domestic disruption and use lethal force against American Citizens. There is no basis in law or the Constitution for this directive. The Department of Defense cannot issue a directive that overturns an Act of Congress that is a law on the books. The Posse Comitatus Act is a federal law that prohibits the use of federal military personnel to enforce domestic policies within the United States. The law was expanded to include with the army the air force, navy, marine corps, and space force. It has been the American tradition that the military cannot be used to intervene in domestic affairs.
So why did the Department of defense issue the directive? A possible answer is that it is a guarantee against Trump taking office. Just as we now know that there were federal agents present at the Trump rally who created an appearance of insurrection for a media that didn't need evidence, the Democrats could forestall Trump's return to office by using federal agents to orchestrate an insurrection and use the Department of Defense directive to arrest Trump.
As for the question could Trump use the Pentagon directive, the answer is no for two reasons. If Trump won, it would be two months before he takes office, which gives Democrats plenty of time to use the directive against Trump. The United States is the Constitution. As Trump intends to restore America, he cannot succeed if he overturns the law of the land on the basis of an illegal directive from an executive department.
The Democrats are vulnerable if Trump returns to the presidency. A number of the top Democrats have committed felonies and could find themselves arrested. The ruling elite would find their hold on the government weakened. The agendas of the Democrats and the ruling elite would be jeopardized. Thus, there are strong incentives for Democrats to use force to prevent a Trump presidency. Many Democrat intellectuals favor a coup. I don't know if their influence is sufficient.
Republicans are not an ideological party. They lack the confidence and self-righteousness of Woke intellectuals. Republicans believe in America and do not want to overthrow it. They don't fully comprehend the revolution that has occurred among the Democrats. I think it would require more than another stolen election to cause states to secede. However, if the Democrats retain power by orchestrating an insurrection and invoking the Defense Department directive, and then begin rounding up Republicans as they did Trump supporters who attended the rally, Republicans might recognize the threat and attempt to take defensive measures that could result in the break up the United States. But the predominance of force resides in the party in office.
Democrats are worried about their control. They believe it is threatened by free speech in the alternative media. Recently two Democrat Secretaries of State, John Kerry and Hillary Clinton, complained that free speech prevents the ability of Democrats to impose their agendas by controlling the narratives. Both called for censorship and suppression of free speech, which is a violation of the US Constitution. To uphold and protect the Constitution is the main feature of the oath of office. The Democrat regime is full of officials who are unfaithful to their oath of office. This means that they are unfaithful to America. This is the dangerous problem that the country confronts. One of the two main parties stands against the country.